创作者:贝壳物联 | 更新日期:2016-12-14 | 在线时长:7天
Arduino uno r3
#include <SPI.h> #include <Ethernet.h> #include <aJSON.h> //============= 此处必须修该============ const String APIKEY="xxxxxxxxx"; // 此处替换为你自己的API KEY const String DEVICEID="xx"; // 此处替换为你的设备编号 const String INPUTID="xx"; //======================================= const int LM35 = 0;//LM35 pin byte mac[] = {0x00, 0x1D, 0x72, 0x82, 0x35, 0x9D}; EthernetClient client ; IPAddress ip(192, 168, 0, 177);//local IP char server[] = ""; int port= 8181 ; aJsonStream serial_stream(&client); unsigned long lastCheckInTime = 0; unsigned long lastUpdateTime = 0; const unsigned long postingInterval = 40000; // delay between 2 datapoints, 30s const unsigned long updateInterval = 5000; // delay between 2 datapoints, 30s boolean isCheckIn = false; void setup() { Serial.begin(57600); if (Ethernet.begin(mac) == 0) {// start the Ethernet connection with DHCP: Serial.println("Failed to configure Ethernet using DHCP"); Ethernet.begin(mac, ip); } else { Serial.println("Ethernet configuration OK"); } delay(10000); Serial.println("connecting..."); if(client.connect(server, port)){ Serial.println("connected"); }else{ Serial.println("connection failed"); } } void loop() { if(millis() - lastCheckInTime > postingInterval) { Serial.println("checking in"); checkIn(); } if((millis() - lastUpdateTime > updateInterval) && isCheckIn) { int val;//定义变量 int dat;//定义变量 dat=analogRead( LM35 );// 读取传感器的模拟值并赋值给dat //val=(125*dat)>>8;//温度计算公式 val = dat * (4.76 / 1023.0*100); update(DEVICEID,INPUTID,val); } if (serial_stream.available()) { /* First, skip any accidental whitespace like newlines. */ serial_stream.skip(); } if (serial_stream.available()) { /* Something real on input, let's take a look. */ aJsonObject *msg = aJson.parse(&serial_stream); processMessage(msg); aJson.deleteItem(msg); } } void checkIn() { if (!client.connected()) { Serial.println("connection failed"); client.stop(); isCheckIn=false; client.connect(server, port); Serial.println("connecting..."); delay(10000); } else{ Serial.println("connection success"); client.print("{\"M\":\"checkin\",\"ID\":\""); client.print(DEVICEID); client.print("\",\"K\":\""); client.print(APIKEY); client.println("\"}"); lastCheckInTime = millis(); Serial.println("checking..."); } } void processMessage(aJsonObject *msg){ aJsonObject* method = aJson.getObjectItem(msg, "M"); String M=method->valuestring; char* st = aJson.print(msg); if (st != NULL) { Serial.println(st); free(st); if(M=="checkinok" ){ isCheckIn=true; Serial.println("check in OK!"); } } } void update(String did, String inputid, int value){ client.print("{\"M\":\"update\",\"ID\":\""); client.print(did); client.print("\",\"V\":{\""); client.print(inputid); client.print("\":\""); client.print(value); client.println("\"}}"); lastCheckInTime = millis(); lastUpdateTime= millis(); Serial.print("update:"); Serial.print(inputid); Serial.print("->"); Serial.println(value); }