

创作者:W681762 | 更新日期:2019-09-15 | 在线时长:9时

/* 此文件需安装Arduino esp8266开发环境支持,环境搭建参见:http://www.bigiot.net/talk/237.html 本程序可以用来控制四路继电器 ESP8266烧入此程序直接,使用高低电频控制光耦继电器来控制电灯 我的继电器默认高电频关闭,所以在初始化时都初始化为高电频,play关闭开启,stop关闭关闭,输入1-4打开或关闭对应的引脚 代码基于https://github.com/bigiot/bigiotArduino/blob/master/examples/ESP8266/kaiguan/kaiguan.ino 上的代码进行调整,修复了部分bug,解决了断线重连问题,此代码可以直接烧入到nodemcu模块,分享代码希望对大家有帮助 */ #include #include //============= 此处必须修该============ String DEVICEID="13140"; // 你的设备编号 == String APIKEY = "d6a1a5be5"; // 设备密码== //======================================= unsigned long lastCheckInTime = 0; //记录上次报到时间 const unsigned long postingInterval = 40000; // 每隔40秒向服务器报到一次 const char* ssid = "MUTOUREN";//无线名称 const char* password = "12345678.";//无线密码 const char* host = "www.bigiot.net"; const int httpPort = 8181; int pins[4] = {D1,D2,D3,D4}; int state[4] = {HIGH,HIGH,HIGH,HIGH}; int arr_len = sizeof(pins)/sizeof(pins[0]); void setup() { Serial.begin(115200); delay(1000); WiFi.begin(ssid, password); //默认输出关闭电频 for(int i=0;i postingInterval || lastCheckInTime==0) { checkIn(); } // Read all the lines of the reply from server and print them to Serial if (client.available()) { String inputString = client.readStringUntil('\n'); inputString.trim(); Serial.println(inputString); int len = inputString.length()+1; if(inputString.startsWith("{") && inputString.endsWith("}")){ char jsonString[len]; inputString.toCharArray(jsonString,len); aJsonObject *msg = aJson.parse(jsonString); processMessage(msg); aJson.deleteItem(msg); } } } void processMessage(aJsonObject *msg){ aJsonObject* method = aJson.getObjectItem(msg, "M"); aJsonObject* content = aJson.getObjectItem(msg, "C"); aJsonObject* client_id = aJson.getObjectItem(msg, "ID"); if (!method) { return; } String M = method->valuestring; if(M == "say"){ String C = content->valuestring; String F_C_ID = client_id->valuestring; if(C == "play"){ for(int i=0;i 0 && pin <= arr_len){ pin--; state[pin] = !state[pin]; digitalWrite(pins[pin], state[pin]); } sayToClient(F_C_ID,"LED pin:"+pin); } } } void checkIn() { String msg = "{\"M\":\"checkin\",\"ID\":\"" + DEVICEID + "\",\"K\":\"" + APIKEY + "\"}\n"; client.print(msg); lastCheckInTime = millis(); } void sayToClient(String client_id, String content){ String msg = "{\"M\":\"say\",\"ID\":\"" + client_id + "\",\"C\":\"" + content + "\"}\n"; client.print(msg); lastCheckInTime = millis(); }
